

This page shows the organisations we have supported since 2010. The map below details partners we are currently funding (click on a partner to find out more). Use the filters below the map to show partners by Programme, Year(s) Funded, Ecosystem, Geographic location or Species.

A seal swimming in the water alongside two baby seals.

African Marine Mammal Conservation Organization (AMMCO)

African Marine Mammal Conservation Organization (AMMCO) is working to make Central Africa's coastal and aquatic environm…

AgroEcology Fund

The AgroEcology Fund (AEF) is a multi-donor fund (constituted 19 donors from the US, Europe and Asia) set up to support …

A small, round, carved ornament with brown detail showing a lacelike pattern which resembles a compass

Ailan Awareness

Ailan Awareness is a local NGO that directs its efforts towards reinforcing Indigenous sovereignty in connection to biol…

Someone in a green shirt holding up vegetables in a garden

Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA)

Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA) is a broad alliance of civil society actors working to promote food sover…

Alliance of Solwara Warriors

The Alliance of Solwara Warriors is a coalition of communities from Papua New Guinea, the Bismarck and Solomon Seas, and…

Image of Frog in Pantanal

Amphibian Ark

Amphibian Ark (AArk) is a collaboration of organisations dedicated to ensuring the survival and diversity of amphibian s…

Amphibian Survival Alliance

The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) is a partnership of organisations working to implement conservation actions and re…

A village surrounded by forest.


ANAPAC RDC aims to strengthen and secure the territories of Indigenous Peoples and local communities in the Democratic R…

Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE)

The Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment (ATREE) is a non-profit organisation which generates interd…

Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP)

The Asian Species Action Partnership (ASAP) is an alliance of 105 conservation organisations (50 based in Southeast Asia…

Asociación Pro Fauna Silvestre – Ayacucho

Asociación Pro Fauna Silvestre – Ayacucho supports environmental management, Indigenous People’s rights, and resear…

Image of a tree frog

Bolivian Amphibian Initiative

The Bolivian Amphibian Initiative (BAI) was established in 2007 with the goal of preventing endangered species from beco…

Lush rainforest surrounding small pond in the Philippines.


Bukluran works with Indigenous Peoples in the Philippines to map their sacred and protected areas and secure land tenure…

Chepkitale Indigenous People Development Project (CIPDP)

The Chepkitale Indigenous People Development Project (CIPDP) is working to secure recognition of the Ogiek community’s…

A group of people happily posing together for a photo.

Coalition des Femmes Leaders pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable (CFLEDD)

The Coalition of Female Leaders for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CFLEDD) was established in 2011 as a pl…

A group of people celebrating with their fists in the air.

Coalition of Civil Society Organisations for the Monitoring of Reforms and Public Action (CORAP)

CORAP aims to positively promote and contribute to the social wellbeing of Congolese people.…

Someone is painting someone else's face with thin black lines horizontally across their nose and cheekbones.

Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY)

Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY) is an Indigenous organisation that unites Brazil's Mbya and Avá Guarani people in the s…

Small salamander with pale blue stomach and brown and black speckled back, snaking along the surface of a leaf.

Conservación de Anfibios

Conservación de Anfibios protects eight hectares of Mexican cloud forest, with a focus on the many amphibian species wh…

Indigenous Adivasi woman collecting fruit

Cultural Survival

Cultural Survival is an Indigenous-led NGO and USA-registered non-profit that has backed Indigenous Peoples' rights and …

Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI)

A group of specialists from many fields have come together to form the Deep Ocean Stewardship Initiative (DOSI), which i…

Deep Sea Conservation Coalition

The largest ecosystem on the globe, the deep sea, has been the target of increased protection efforts since 2004 thanks …

Two Indigenous women collecting non-timber forest products

Dignité Pygmée (DIPY)

Dignité Pygmée (DIPY) is a non-profit advocacy group which promotes the equality of native Indigenous Peoples in the D…

A man speaking to a group of people who are listening attentively

Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones

Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) is a network of around 45 organisations, including indigenous fores…

A small fishing boat with three figures in shallow coastal water

Eco Custodian Advocates

Eco Custodian Advocates is a Papua New Guinean conservation organisation that promotes marine management and community-d…

Endangered Wildlife Trust

The Endangered Wildlife Trust is a South African conservation organisation dedicated to conserving threatened species an…

Environmental Funders Network (EFN)

The Environmental Funders Network is aiming to increase the amount of financial support for environmental causes and to …

FESO: Femmes Solidaires

Femmes Solidaires (FESO) is a coalition of 24 Congolese women’s groups advocating for equal energy access and democrat…

A valley landscape of fields, trees, and houses

Finance for Biodiversity Foundation

The Finance for Biodiversity Foundation aims to increase action in the finance sector to reduce biodiversity impacts.…

FORKANI team standing together holding a banner

Forum Kahedupa Toudani (FORKANI)

Forum Kahedupa Toudani (FORKANI) promotes sustainable resource management by blending local wisdom with conservation eff…

Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation (FUNDAECO)

FUNDAECO is one of the main conservation organizations in Guatemala, working to conserve biodiversity and promote sustai…

The team hold a bucket

Fundación Atelopus

Fundación Atelopus is a Colombian non-governmental organisation (NGO) dedicated to saving amphibians and reptiles in th…

Fundación Pachamama

Fundación Pachamama works to permanently protect the headwaters and indigenous territories in the Ecuadorian Amazon.…

Aerial view of a river flowing through a forest.

Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)

GRAIN is an international NGO that began in the 1980s as a coalition of likeminded people doing research, advocacy and l…

Three people speaking at COP23 on a panel

Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN)

The Global Alliance for the Rights of Nature (GARN) is working to create a system of law that sees and treats Nature as …

A group of youth smiling

Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)

Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) is set on building a global union between youth organisations and individuals a…

A walking path surrounded by trees and grass creates a peaceful natural setting.

Green Development Advocates

Green Development Advocates (GDA) is a Cameroonian organisation which works with forest communities and indigenous peopl…


GreenViet is taking action to help communities understand and respect biodiversity in Central Vietnam and Central Highla…

Herp Conservation Ghana

Herp Conservation Ghana (Herp-Ghana) is a registered non-governmental, non-profit organisation dedicated to amphibian an…

Cardioglossa manengouba frog species sitting on a leaf


Herp Cameroon is a non-profit organisation dedicated to amphibian and reptile conservation in Cameroon.…

HUTAN-Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project

Hutan was founded in 1998 by Drs. Isabelle Lackman and Marc Ancrenaz with a primary focus on orang-utan research. Since …

high birds eye view of mountains

ICCA Consortium

The ICCA Consortium is dedicated to promoting recognition and support of Indigenous Peoples’ and Community Conserved A…

Instituto Biotrópicos

Instituto Biotrópicos is a Brazilian environmental organisation, founded to promote science-based conservation action.…

Instituto Curicaca

Instituto Curicaca is a Brazilian NGO that works for the conservation of nature, the appreciation of culture and the pro…

Instituto Juruá

Instituto Juruá works with community leaders and local associations along the Juruá River, in the heart of Brazil’s …

International Rivers

International Rivers is leading the charge in protecting the world's river systems. Rivers are a biodiversity hotspot be…

Two people in a canoe

International Rivers Africa Programme

International Rivers’ Africa Programme works across the continent to protect river systems and advance the rights of l…

IUCN Biodiversity Assessment and Knowledge Team (BAKT) – Freshwater Unit

The Biodiversity Assessment and Knowledge Team (BAKT) – Freshwater Unit of the International Union for Conservation of…

IUCN Freshwater Conservation Committee

The IUCN Freshwater Conservation Committee is dedicated to coordinating action to conserve and restore freshwater enviro…

IUCN SSC Amphibian Red List Authority

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission (SSC) Amphibian Red List Autho…

IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Section on Small Apes

The IUCN SSC PSG Section on Small Apes (SSA) is a global network of experts collaboratively taking necessary and tangibl…

IUCN Unselective, Unsustainable, and Unmonitored Trawl Fisheries Situation Analysis

International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Unselective, Unsustainable, and Unmonitored Trawl Fisheries Situat…

Smiling person points out document to person in workshop

James Cook University Fish and Fisheries Lab

James Cook University Fish and Fisheries (F&F) Lab conducts research, trains students, works with stakeholders, and enga…

A sailboat at sea with art on the sail

Kōrero O Te `Ōrau

Kōrero O Te `Ōrau is an environmental NGO in the Cook Islands dedicated to improving the wellbeing of its Indigenous P…


LifeMosaic supports communities and movements to protect their rights, cultures, and territories, and to determine their…

Living River Association

Living River Association is a grassroots NGO working towards community-based conservation of the Mekong River and its tr…

Mabuwaya Foundation

The Mabuwaya Foundation encourages the protection of endemic and endangered species in the Philippines, by integrating l…

Maria holding a salamander

María Chang

María Chang is establishing an organisation which will protect amphibians and reptiles in the cloud forests of Guatemal…

A fence made of thin wood with a sign attached.

Mbou Mon Tour

Mbou Mon Tour is a group of communities working in Mai Ndombe, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to protect forests an…

Person stands in waterfall in Annamite forest

Minh Nguyen

Minh Nguyen, a PhD student at Colorado State University, addresses the snaring crisis threatening the critically endange…

Brazilian Cerrado Savanna

Mulheres em Ação no Pantanal (MUPAN)

Mulheres em Ação no Pantanal (MUPAN) works to promote measures that defend quality of life for local communities and t…

Two people doing ecological work in a large shallow pond

Oceanus Conservation

Oceanus Conservation is a youth- and women-led organisation focusing on the conservation and restoration of ‘blue carb…

An okapi

Okapi Conservation Project

The Okapi Conservation Project (OCP) works to conserve the rainforest and wildlife of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve through…

A group of people sitting on a rock in a river.

Piatua Resiste

Piatua Resiste is an organisation of different PONAKICSC (Indigenous People of the Kichwa Nationality of Santa Clara Can…

The pig-nosed turtle, the main focus of the Piku project.

Piku Biodiversity Network

The Piku Biodiversity Network informs and empowers local communities to work together to maintain a healthy environment …

A woman in a hijab shows a student an educational poster

PROGRES Sulawesi

PROGRES Sulawesi are dedicated to building a network of empowered communities to protect Sulawesi wildlife, so that natu…

Project Palaka

Project Palaka is the first ex-situ amphibian conservation program in the Philippines.…

Project Seagrass

Project Seagrass is a marine conservation charity dedicated to ensuring that seagrass meadows are protected globally, fo…

Proyecto VASI team photo

Proyecto VASI

Proyecto VASI works to improve scientific understandings of the Amazon, expand conservation projects, and introduce alte…

A large sculpture of a human hand is holding a footbridge up with people crossing it and forests below

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate powe…

Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI)

The Rights and Resources Initiative (RRI) is a global coalition of more than 200 organisations dedicated to advancing th…

Royal Society for Protection of Nature

Royal Society for Protection of Nature (RSPN) is the only Bhutanese led wildlife conservation organisation.…

A camera trap image of a saola standing in a pond in the middle of a forest. It is the size of a large dog and resembles a dark brown antelope, with a sloping back, black legs, long straight horns which grow backwards from the top of its head and white facial markings.

Saola Foundation

Saola Foundation is a US registered organisation devoted to saving saola and advancing conservation of the Annamite Moun…

Joko Guntoro holding a terrapin

SatuCita Foundation

The SatuCita Foundation focuses on conserving turtles, tortoises, and nature in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra.…

A dugong

Save Andaman Network (SAN)

Save Andaman Network (SAN) is a Thai NGO focused on supporting coastal livelihoods in Southern Thailand in ways that pro…

Save Ghana Frogs

Save Ghana Frogs, founded in 2011, is the only environmental NGO in Ghana to exclusively dedicate itself to the conserva…

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) was established to secure a future for Vietnam’s wildlife. SVW protects and increases …

Sign reading 'Climate Justice now'

Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)

Students Organising for Sustainability UK (SOS-UK) is a student-led education charity that supports students and young p…

Talarak Foundation Inc.

Talarak Foundation Inc. works on the Philippine island of Negros to rescue, rehabilitate and protect threatened local sp…

Five people holding a fishing net

Taskforce Against Kaiduan Dam (TAKAD)

Taskforce Against Kaiduan Dam (TAKAD) is a community movement working to protect community rights and biodiversity in Sa…

Tesoro Escondido

The Ecuadorian province of Esmereldas is home to Tesoro Escondido, a wildlife sanctuary. The reserve was established as …

Group of smiling young people with their hands held in the air


Voice of Youth and Genuine Empowerment (VOYAGE) is a social justice charity that aims to empower marginalised young blac…

A group of people sitting and chatting

Well Grounded

Well Grounded works across the Congo Basin for civil society organisations (CSOs) to provide organisation and strategy d…

Three White-bellied Heron fledglings perched on tree branches

White-bellied Heron Working Group

The White-bellied Heron Working Group is a collaboration of organisations and professionals working to implement conserv…

Groups of people in a workshop to prevent and respond to sexual harassment.


WildAct is a not-for-profit organisation in Vietnam providing conservation education to motivate and engage local people…

Yayasan Bumi Sawerigading (YBS)

Yayasan Bumi Sawerigading (YBS) is a non-profit organisation located in Sulawesi, Indonesia. It works towards a model of…

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