Fauna & Flora International
At A Glance
- Years Funded: 2011
- Ecosystem Focus: Rivers, Freshwater
- Geographic Focus: Asia, Cambodia
Founded in 1903, Fauna & Flora International (FFI) is the world’s longest-established international conservation organization. FFI is a proven conservation innovator which continues to make a lasting impact on global biodiversity. Today FFI is active in over 40 countries and has its headquarters in Cambridge, UK.
The FFI Asia Programme includes a broad range of species and landscape targeted conservation initiatives in Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar, and has country programme offices in Phnom Penh, Nanning, Jakarta, Manila and Hanoi. FFI has been active in China since 1999 with a focus on building capacity for biodiversity conservation and sustainable development.
Synchronicity Earth funded FFI to carry out research into Chinese hydropower in Cambodia. This contributed to a wider report exploring decision-making procedures and development strategies of Chinese investment in the hydropower sector in Southeast Asia. The project intends to achieve a better understanding of primary actors of Chinese investment and identify effective ways of engaging with them and improving their practices on the ground.