
At A Glance

ClientEarth is an organisation of activist lawyers committed to securing a healthy planet. They work to protect the environment through advocacy, litigation and research, and by using the best scientific and policy analysis available.

They work in eight main programme areas: Climate, Oceans, Health, Forests, Energy, Wildlife, Governance and Business. They have offices in London, Brussels, and Warsaw with a strategic focus across the EU.

Before ClientEarth was founded in 2007 there were only about two dozen practising public interest environmental lawyers in the entire EU, compared to over 500 in North America. In Brussels there are some 15,000 lobbyists for industry and government, many of them lawyers. Until ClientEarth opened their Brussels office, NGOs there did not have one practicing lawyer on their staffs.

Synchronicity Earth supported ClientEarth in their work on the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). This work aimed to ensure the reform of the policy provided an effective legal framework for sustainable and ecosystems based fisheries management in the EU, including the setting of scientific catch limits, eliminating discards, and increasing transparency and accountability.