Our Endowment Funds2023-11-01T09:52:18+00:00

Endowment Funds

Home-Our Endowment Funds

Funding for the long term

Synchronicity Earth benefits from the commitment of the Aurum Kaleidoscope Foundation to provide us with unrestricted and patient funding. We know how this transforms our work, allowing us to work strategically and to invest in research, operations and systems.

From our activities with partner organisations, we understand that securing funding for long-term strategies is vital, can be transformational, but is rarely available.


To give our funding this transformational power, Synchronicity Earth has created ‘Endowment Funds’ to provide long-term annuity income for key programmes of work. Currently the following funds are available to donors:

How the Funds work

Many environmental conservation challenges require urgent and increased funding to significantly reduce the rate of species population and habitat loss in the coming 10 to 20 years. Without increased funding over these timescales, we risk losing a devastating range of habitats and species.

An expendable endowment is effectively a hybrid model between regular fundraising and a standard endowment (where only the income, not the capital can be spent). Our Funds aim to match the life of the fund with the timescale of the action needed.

Traditional endowments lock up capital in perpetuity.

Our view is that we need to solve key conservation problems in a shorter timeframe putting both capital and income to work.

Expendable endowment Funds

We look to grow these funds through careful, diversified investment, thereby providing annual income streams (including capital and income) to fund conservation work.

By contributing to our Endowment funds, donors have the opportunity to provide long-term support, either through a single donation or a series of donations, and can help plug the gaps left by more traditional fundraising approaches. All our Endowment Funds aim to:

  • Grow donations over time
  • Put donations to work over the long term, providing a stable source of annuity funding to key organisations and groups over a timescale that is needed for conservation action
  • Bring donors together to provide coordinated and strategic funding

Help us fund conservation for the long term

If you would like to support our work for the long term, contact us to find out more about contributing to the Synchronicity Earth Living Fund. 

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