
Playing the long game to save the Madagascar pochard

The Madagascar pochard is a small, brown duck. If you saw one bobbing about on the surface of a local pond, you might not pay it much attention. It might not land a part in Madagascar, the movie. But if you look a little closer, you’ll see that the pochard is a beautiful bird - graceful and [...]

By |2024-11-20T15:04:08+00:00February 26th, 2019|Alternative Livelihoods, Biodiversity, Captive Breeding, Community, Freshwater, Species|Comments Off on Playing the long game to save the Madagascar pochard

Art at the zoo: working together for species on the EDGE

In July 2018, Synchronicity Earth teamed up with the ZSL EDGE of Existence team at London Zoo to bring in artist Louis Masai to paint a series of 6 giant murals. Louis brought his distinct 'patchwork' style to the project, highlighting some of the weird and wonderful species, which are Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered, [...]

By |2024-11-21T10:42:13+00:00January 10th, 2019|Art, Biodiversity, Collaboration, Conservation, Creating Awareness, Species|Comments Off on Art at the zoo: working together for species on the EDGE

Cycling for Species

Simon Stuart and his wife Ann are nearing the end of their epic #Cycle4Species. If you’re UK-based and have been wondering what’s happened to the summer, spare a thought for these two as they’ve been braving the wind and the rain from John O’Groats all the way down to Land’s End. After a few [...]

By |2024-11-21T14:30:37+00:00August 9th, 2017|Conservation, Fundraising, Species|0 Comments
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