
Meeting partners where they are – a Vietnam photo story

To properly respond to partners' needs, we must understand the increasingly complex contexts they face. Our Asian Species Programme Officer Aya Sakamoto recently went to Vietnam – a key focus of our conservation work in Southeast Asia – to visit a range of partners across the country. Reflecting on the trip, this photo story [...]

By , |2025-02-28T15:27:04+00:00May 29th, 2024|Approach, Asian Species, Capacity Building, Education, Southeast Asia|Comments Off on Meeting partners where they are – a Vietnam photo story

Good news from the DRC!

The type of environment news that makes the headlines can be disheartening. But when we take a closer look, there are so many positive and inspiring stories – of welcome progress, community triumphs, and conservation success. Here’s some good news you might have missed from our partners in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). [...]

By |2025-02-28T15:27:59+00:00May 23rd, 2024|Advocacy, Approach, Community, Congo Basin, Forests|Comments Off on Good news from the DRC!

In it for the long haul: Transforming the crocodile from villain to hero

Wildlife corridors through oil palm plantations. Local communities saving the world’s rarest crocodile from extinction. Sweeping new protections for EU seabed. A groundbreaking coalition for amphibian conservation. When conservation organisations have access to flexible, reliable funding, their impact can be revolutionary. In this series, we look back at major victories facilitated by our long-term, [...]

By |2025-03-20T10:44:27+00:00November 22nd, 2023|Approach, Asian Species, Long term funding, Mabuwaya Foundation, Southeast Asia|Comments Off on In it for the long haul: Transforming the crocodile from villain to hero

In it for the long haul: Bringing biodiversity to oil-palm country

Wildlife corridors through oil palm plantations. Local communities saving the world’s rarest crocodile from extinction. Sweeping new protections for EU seabed. A groundbreaking coalition for amphibian conservation. When conservation organisations have access to flexible, reliable funding, their impact can be revolutionary. In this series, we look back at major victories facilitated by our long-term, [...]

By |2025-02-11T10:09:06+00:00October 18th, 2023|Approach, Conservation Optimism, Forests, Long term funding, More than Carbon|Comments Off on In it for the long haul: Bringing biodiversity to oil-palm country

Towards better climate funding: centring Indigenous Peoples and local communities

“Money earmarked for Indigenous people that sits in a bank because of worries about Indigenous ‘capacity’ is water sitting in a locked fire hydrant while a city burns down because you’re worried the firefighters can’t handle the job.” This is how Tapestry Institute’s  Standing Our Ground for the Land: An Indigenous Philanthropy describes a key [...]

By |2024-10-31T11:26:14+00:00October 16th, 2023|Approach, Capacity, Funding, Indigenous Peoples, Reimagining Philanthropy|Comments Off on Towards better climate funding: centring Indigenous Peoples and local communities

In it for the long haul: Saving the giant squeaker frog

Wildlife corridors through oil palm plantations. Local communities saving the world’s rarest crocodile from extinction. Sweeping new protections for EU seabed. A ground-breaking coalition for amphibian conservation. When conservation organisations have access to flexible, reliable funding, their impact can be revolutionary. In this series, we look back at major conservation victories facilitated by our [...]

By |2024-11-06T10:44:54+00:00September 27th, 2023|Amphibians, Approach, Conservation Optimism, Forests, Long term funding|Comments Off on In it for the long haul: Saving the giant squeaker frog

Meet our Latin America affiliate, Grace Iara Souza

Over the past 18 years, Dr Grace Iara Souza has developed a deep understanding of the impacts of global environmental governance and social policies on local rainforest defenders in the Brazilian Amazon. Her academic training is rooted in Political Ecology, and her professional experience includes project management in the educational, private, and charity sectors, [...]

By , |2025-03-20T10:38:19+00:00March 7th, 2023|Approach, Biocultural Diversity, Brazil, Capacity, Interviews, Support|Comments Off on Meet our Latin America affiliate, Grace Iara Souza

Rethinking African conservation funding

“The most important things in the world that need doing cannot be done by large organizations. They will be done by many, sometimes hundreds, sometimes even thousands of smaller groups.” So said Andrew Steer, CEO of the Bezos Earth Fund, when the new fund made a pledge to spend $10 billon to tackle climate [...]

By |2025-03-20T10:40:49+00:00August 2nd, 2022|Approach, Funding, Reimagining Philanthropy|Comments Off on Rethinking African conservation funding

On a learning journey to support locally-led conservation

Sophie Grange-Chamfray, Synchronicity Earth Knowledge and Learning Manager, reflects on what she has learnt through her work with locally-led conservation organisations in the Congo Basin. At Synchronicity Earth, developing trusted and open relationships with our partners (‘grantees’) is at the core of our conservation programmes. This approach is deeply rooted in [...]

By |2025-03-17T17:17:51+00:00July 14th, 2022|Approach, Capacity Building, Collaboration, Community|Comments Off on On a learning journey to support locally-led conservation
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