Samuel Nnah Ndobe
About Samuel Nnah Ndobe
Samuel Nnah Ndobe is an agronomist from Cameroon and a leading advocate for the rights of Indigenous Peoples.
With a degree in Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology from the University of Dschang, Samuel began working in Cameroon on community-led conservation initiatives such as community forest management, sustainable livelihood development, participatory mapping and advocacy for community land rights.
He moved on to develop Payments for Ecosystem Services projects around the Dja Forest Reserve and became a consultant delivering workshops for various organisations working on sustainable development projects in Central Africa, including the United Nations Development Programme, Jane Goodall Institute, and Rights and Resources Initiative.
Samuel also facilitated the contribution of organisations in Africa, Asia and Latin America in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change REDD negotiations and helped build capacity in those regions to participate in these negotiations.
Most recently he has been a consultant for many international organisations, including the IUCN, Global Greengrants Fund, and Synchronicity Earth, using his expertise to facilitate strategic planning for projects focussed on conservation, sustainable development, and REDD+. Samuel’s experience and knowledge has been invaluable in helping Synchronicity Earth develop a robust and successful programme in the Congo Basin.
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