
Catherine Bryan

Catherine Bryan
Co-Chair of Trustees

About Catherine Bryan

Catherine uses her experience in organisational development, markets and risk, alongside her fascination with the natural world to support a wide range of work that promotes the protection and regeneration of nature.

Catherine embraced her growing interest in the environment in 2014, taking on pro-bono work at Synchronicity Earth. She became a trustee of Synchronicity Earth in 2016 and took on the role of CEO in 2017. Having worked with the team to build robust infrastructure and to deliver significant growth in grant funding across a range of biodiversity programmes, she stepped down in December 2019 to revert to her trustee role.

She is also Chair of the Environmental Funders Network and Chair of the Global Council of SHOAL, an initiative to increase freshwater conservation. She has a particular interest in shifting decision-making in the finance sector to fully incorporate environmental impacts and risks.

With her husband Tim, she is learning about what is needed to regenerate an upland farm, at Kingsdale Head in the Yorkshire Dales National Park.

Catherine worked at J.P Morgan until 1998. As Managing Director and Global Head of Equity Derivative Trading, she was also a member of the J.P. Morgan Risk Committee. She then took a career break and returned to the financial markets to undertake project work in 2012. She has a degree in Chemistry from Oxford University.

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Catherine Bryan

Catherine Bryan

Co-Chair of Trustees
Catherine uses her experience in organisational development, markets and risk, alongside her fascination with the natural world to support a wide range of work that promotes the protection and regeneration of nature. She embraced her growing interest in the environment in 2014, taking on pro-bono work at Synchronicity Earth. She became a trustee of Synchronicity Earth in 2015 and took on the role of CEO in 2017. Having worked with the team to build robust infrastructure and to deliver significant growth in grant funding across a range of biodiversity programmes, she stepped down in December 2019 to revert to her trustee role. She is also Chair of the Environmental Funders Network and Chair of the Global Council of Shoal, an initiative to increase freshwater conservation. She has a particular interest in shifting decision making in the finance sector to fully incorporate environmental impacts and risks. With her husband Tim, she is learning about what is needed to regenerate an upland farm, at Kingsdale Head in the Yorkshire Dales National Park. Catherine worked at J.P Morgan until 1998. As Managing Director and Global Head of Equity Derivative Trading, she was also a member of the J.P. Morgan Risk Committee. She then took a career break and returned to the financial markets to undertake project work in 2012. She has a degree in Chemistry from Oxford University.
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