Building Capacity2025-02-28T07:01:34+00:00

Amphibians: Building Capacity

One of the greatest problems in addressing the amphibian extinction crisis has been the lack of any organised global effort to conserve these fascinating species. For amphibian conservation to advance, we need many organisations committed to the cause – in short, a new amphibian conservation movement.

There is an urgent need to build capacity – and if appropriate, new organisations – to prioritise the conservation of these highly threatened species. 

Image © Molly Bletz

Our Amphibian Programme builds conservation capacity by:

Providing core support for the Amphibian Survival Alliance.

Two glass frogs on a leaf

The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) was established in 2011 to foster the development of this new movement. ASA is a partnership of organisations working to save amphibians – as of September 2019, ASA had 53 partners from every region of the world. For ASA to continue to play its critical leadership role in amphibian conservation, it needs core financial support for its secretariat. Since 2011, Synchronicity Earth has prioritised funding the basic operations of ASA.

Prioritising the development of amphibian conservation capacity where it is most needed.

The priority regions on which to focus in order to prevent amphibian extinctions are: the Andes; southern Brazil; southern Mexico and Mesoamerica; the Caribbean; the Upper Guinea forests of West Africa; Cameroon; the Eastern Arc Mountains of Tanzania; Madagascar; the Western Ghats of India; Sri Lanka; Indonesia; the Philippines; and New Guinea.

two people working in the forest with medical gloves on

Supporting and developing new amphibian conservation organisations.

up-close frogspawn

In many priority regions for amphibian conservation there are too few – and sometimes no – organisations working on amphibian conservation. Synchronicity Earth is working with the Amphibian Survival Alliance to build capacity and, where appropriate, new organisations to prioritise conservation for these highly threatened species.

* Images (L to R): Paul Bertner; Molly Bletz; Robin Moore

“We envisage a future where amphibian conservation is prioritised and fully collaborative. We strive towards a world where amphibians are valued for their astonishing beauty, variety and contributions to the planet.”

Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA)

A small nation with a giant amphibian footprint

Partner Profile: FUNDAECO

Although Guatemala is a small country, it has a staggering 147 species of amphibian, 53 per cent of which are globally threatened. A total of 30 species are Critically Endangered.

FUNDAECO (Foundation for Eco-Development and Conservation) is a Guatemalan conservation organisation that has established several amphibian reserves, with more planned. These reserves are protecting 11 Critically Endangered species (both frogs and salamanders) in the western highlands and the Caribbean region.

FUNDAECO’s goal is to protect all of the endemic and Critically Endangered amphibians in Guatemala. They do this by strengthening the protection and management of reserves, including working with local communities and indigenous groups to train park guards and run education programmes. They also undertake amphibian population monitoring activities and train young biologists and community park guards to carry out this work.

As FUNDAECO’s amphibian work becomes more established, it is considering expanding to neighbouring Honduras where there are also many highly threatened species, but with even less current amphibian conservation action.

a jackson's climbing salamander on wet pondweed

Bolitoglossa jacksoni © Carlos Vasquez Almazan

Image © Fundaeco

There is now momentum to conserve amphibians. Public interest in amphibians is growing worldwide. Increasingly, people are becoming aware that there is a crisis with amphibians and they want to see it addressed. The amphibian programme is committed to sustaining this critical conservation work and building brighter horizons for amphibian species.

Our Amphibian Programme

up-close frogspawn

Building Capacity

Build capacity and support  development of amphibian conservation organisations.

two people working in the forest with medical gloves on

Advancing Knowledge

Improve the knowledge base to guide amphibian conservation.

Protecting Species

Fund and support increased amphibian conservation on the ground where it is most needed.

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